
仏教経書書芸術 郭興唐敬書

Arts of Buddhist Sutra Calligraphy by Hsing-Tong Kuo


郭興唐 1918年出生於中國四川。1948年畢業於南京中央大學教育系。 其後在台灣彰化嘉義台中等地擔任中學教師及校長長達三十八年。 1991-2003僑居美國加州聖荷西。 僑居加州期間完成此佛經書法 。 現與夫人(宋吉真女士1925年出生於杭州) 居住於台灣台北。  郭先生致力於書法篆刻金石研究已有七十餘年。

Hsing-Tong Kuo was born in Sichuan, China in 1918. He received his BA degree in Education from Central University in Nanjing in 1948. After his college education, he has been serving as an educator and a high school principal in Chang-hwa, Chia-yi, and Taichung in Taiwan for 38 years. Between 1991 and 2003 he resided in San Jose, California, USA, where he accomplished this Buddhist Sutra Calligraphy. Currently he lives in Taipei, Taiwan with his wife Jee-Jane Sung, who was born in Hungchow in 1925. Mr. Kuo has been dedicated to the arts of Chinese Calligraphy for over eight decades. He wishes to share it with you.


連絡 Email: jbkuo8@gmail.com    


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